tisdag 28 april 2009

long time no writing.

I dont think people watching this blogg.
And i know i havent been activ here, but i will try to write some things some times.
Since the last time i write i have done some things.
I started my internship at B-Reel in sthlm in november. Here I was a part of the making of madeforeachoter.com.
After that I have been working on a music video for a artist named jaeger.
And now i have updated my portfolio once more.
This is just a little summary (probably with a lot of spelling errors).

onsdag 19 mars 2008


Det nya portfoliot är upp:

torsdag 3 januari 2008

fredag 16 november 2007

Grupp 4s 1 timmes uppgift under första
workshopen vi hade denna vecka.

fredag 12 oktober 2007

MYOA (make your own art)

A information sequence for a project at Hyper Island
(Experience Technology).


måndag 17 september 2007

15 sekunders animation

Förra veckans individuella uppgift där man skulle
göra någon valfri animation på 15 sekunder.